Columbus Door Handles


SKU: N/A Category:


  • 65mm rose – can be fitted over existing 55mm holes.
  • Available in Passage, Privacy, Dummy, Entrance and Combination Sets.
  • Brushed Nickel Finish (also known as satin nickel. Looks like satin stainless steel).


Product types:

  • Passage set includes a pair of levers, with a latch. Use for bedroom or hallway doors that don’t need a privacy function
  • Privacy set inclides a pair of integrated privacy levers & a privacy latch. Privacy function is a push button and emergency release. Use for bathroom doors or bedroom doors that require a privacy function.
  • Dummy set includes a single, fixed lever. Use for cupboard doors that don’t require a handle on the inside or a latch.
  • Entrance set is a key-in-lever set. Turn snib on internal lever and key externally. Use for external doors or garage doors.
  • Combination set is a Entrance set with a matching slimline double cylinder deadbolt.